November 3, 2013

Day 3: Galleries and Museums

Without these, where would we be able to view and learn about art from centuries ago? Sure, there is architecture and sculpture that is outside for the world to enjoy, but what about the rest? Galleries and museums are great because they house and protect art in one place. You can go to a museum and see a tablet with hieroglyphics from 3200 BC and a Warhol in 1968 under the same roof. To me, that’s pretty cool.

But what’s better now is that there are virtual museum tours. That means you can “go” to the National Gallery in London without actually going there. And if you can’t make it to the Musée du Louvre in Paris, you can take an online tour of some of the things that are there. Cool, huh? There are many museums around the world that have this function and a lot of them will allow you to really zoom in and take a good look at different pieces – just like you were standing in front of them. Not only can you take this virtual tour of a particular place in the gallery/museum, many of the permanent collections they house are available to see online as well. Is a virtual tour the same as walking into history and smelling the old? No, not at all. But when you can’t make a flight around the world, the virtual tours rank a pretty close second. 

Musée du Louvre

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