November 9, 2013

Day 9: Movies

I am thankful for movies. All types of movies. How often do they keep us entertained? Pretty much all the time! We live our lives with the characters and learn to love (or hate them) just like we do with books. We can live another life in any genre we want for a brief moment in time. Movies are great for bringing people together. People have movie nights all the time…how about those marathons? I know I’m guilty of that. How many times have you been in a packed movie theater and laughed/cried/yelled along with everyone else? Those are moments that bring us all together, too. Ok, maybe that’s lame, but I know I laugh/cry/yell more when there are others doing those things, too. Seeing a movie alone can be great, but it’s not as fun as it is with a crowd.

It takes a lot of artists to get movies on those big screens, too: directors, screenwriters, producers, storyboard artists, productions designers, costume designers, digital artists, camera crews…I mean, the list could go on. It’s those behind the scenes folks who are forgotten about the most. There are a few categories in awards shows that acknowledge them, but have you ever noticed those winners are usually announced before the show at some other special event? Yeah, no wonder they’re forgotten. Without these people, there would be no movies! Remember the folks behind the cameras just as much as you do the ones in front of them. They’re working even harder and making even less. 

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